The gaps are getting wider! What happens to talented people without formal education? How has the gap between general education and vocational education evolved?
Especially people in creative profession often experience these gaps which inhibit a personal progression and the translation of ideas into reality.
At the same time vertical and horizontal transparency is getting ever more important. Interdisciplinary thinkers are the new polymaths, aren't they?
The discussion about disciplines and interdependencies is nothing new, but has to be taken further considering the current social context in Europe,
a continent struggling with a sweeping demographic development.
Ultimately, there is also the gap among European states but like the others, this gap has to get smaller in order to reinforce the European idea of unity in diversity.
Register your interest and propose workshops here
Deadline 24th April
What to expect:
- conference venue in Berlin in a bustling vocational school
- interesting keynotes
- workshops, best practice and active discussions
- conference catering
- cultural program
What not to expect:
- compensation for travel expenses
- lodging
We are looking for:
- participants not spectators
- active engagement
- examples of best practice
Wednesday, 07 October
Thursday, 08 October
Opening with Keynote "Making-Learning" by Andrew Brewerton, Hands on experiences, panel discussion
Friday, 09 October
Keynote "Academisation - problem or solution?" Best Practice, round table discussion, 15:00 closing event
Saturday, 10 October
cultural program (Museum Island Berlin, state library)